【1】 Error code: 8566 Product: 8566 SKU does not match any ASIN and the
product data provided is not eligible for ASIN creation.
Solution: 1. Please replace UPC/EAN with UPC 12 bits and EAN 13 bits. Different variants of SKUs correspond to UPC/EAN that cannot be duplicated or have already been used. 2. Brand and manufacturer are invalid. The brand has not been registered. Please update
Change, can write product pinyin (cannot write OEM)
【2】 Error code: 8571 8571 We have temporarily removed your ability to create new ASINs because an unusually high number of ASINs have been created from your account However, you can continue to match your products against existing
Solution: The current store's publishing limit has been reached. Please go to the Amazon backend - Help - Contact Us
Get to know the official customer service of the platform about knowledge related to increasing credit limits
【3】 Error code: 8560 Missing
Solution: 1. Missing Attributes represents missing attributes, search for them in the product attribute search box
Refine the words after Attributes
2. standard_deduct_id [Product Information - Product ID] or simply press Ctrl+F to search for Product ID UPC 12
EAN13 bits
3. productotype [Product Information - Product Type] or simply Ctrl+F to search for product type
4. Department [Attribute Information - Department] or simply Ctrl+F to search for Department or
[Attribute Information] Search for attribute names
5. Part Number [Attribute Information - Part Number] or simply Ctrl+F to search for Part Number or
[Attribute Information] Search for attribute names
【4】 Error code: 8541 Product: 8541 The SKU data provided is different from what's already in the Amazon catalog. The standard_product_id data provided matches ASIN B07TF2PXNZ, but the following data is different from what's already in the Amazon catalog: brand (Merchant: 'ANMANLI' / Amazon: '???(None)'). If this is the right ASIN for your product, update your data to match what's in the Amazon catalog. If it's not the right ASIN, make sure that your data for
standard_product_id is correct.
Solution: 1. Please replace UPC/EAN with UPC 12 bits and EAN 13 bits. The format is incorrect or has been used, and different variants of SKUs cannot be repeated. 2. The brand and manufacturer are invalid, and the brand has not been registered. Please replace with UPC 12 bits and EAN 13 bits. You can write
Product Pinyin (cannot be written as OEM)
【5】 Error code: 8567 Product: 8567 SKU 1200007997 does not match any ASIN and contains invalid values for attributes required for creation of a new ASIN. New ASIN creation requires the following attributes, for which this SKU provided invalid attribute value(s): metal_type. Product: 8567 SKU 001234564256 does not match any ASIN and contains invalid values for attributes required for creation of a new ASIN. New ASIN creation requires the following attributes, for which this
SKU provided invalid attribute value(s): standard_product_id.
Solution: The words after provided invalid attribute value (s) are invalid attributes,
Standard_deduct_id is the product ID, For other error words, please use Ctrl+F to search and complete
Standard_deduct_id processing method 1. Please replace UPC/EAN with UPC 12 bits and EAN 13 bits. The UPC/EAN corresponding to different variants of SKUs cannot be duplicated or has already been used. 2. The brand and manufacturer are invalid,
If the brand is not registered, please replace it. You can write the product pinyin (not OEM)
【6】 Error code: 90205 Product: 90205 The value '016071761375' does not meet the minimum length limit for attribute '[gtin]'. in SKU: [6249200021] Product: 90205 The value '6466462067915' does not meet the maximum length limit for
attribute '[upc]'. in SKU: [20190723 -0005]
Solution: Invalid attribute length, UPC-12, EAN-13, PZN-7, GTIN-14
GCID-16 bit
【7】 Error code: 1 99006 not yet effective Product: 99006 A value is required in the "Anzahl" field because there are values in dependent fields.: [Bearbeitungszeit =
Solution: Required in the "xx" field. The attribute inside the double quotation marks is missing. Completed on the product page
Good attribute.
2.Product: 99006 A value is required in the "Product Type" field because there are values in dependent fields.: [Title = "Diaper Bag Backpack Unicorn Fashion
2019 Travel Baby Bag with Stroller Straps Large Capacity"].
Solution: The product type is required. Click on the product editing page and use Ctrl+F to search for the product type for improvement
3.Product: 99006 A value is required in the "Quantity" field because there are
values in dependent fields.: [Handling Time
Solution: Product inventory cannot be written as 0, please fill in the real inventory data
4.Product: 99006 A value is required in the "Color Map" field because there
Are values in dependent fields. [Color="RED"]. Solution: Color Map is required, click
Click Ctrl+F on the product editing page to search for improvement
5.Product: 99006 A value is required in the "Size Map" field because there are values in dependent fields.: [Size="XXL"]. Solution: Size Map is required, click on the product
Use Ctrl+F to search and improve the editing page.
【8】 Error code: 90111 not effective Product: 90111 Display Length field contains none
Efficiency value: 15cm. The value '15cm' is not a valid DECIMAL.
Solution: The attribute must be filled in or the format of the attribute unit filled in is incorrect. Click Ctrl+F on the product editing page to search
Modify and improve the content of the error message
【9】 Error Code: 99003 Not Effective 99003 The specified product variant theme is missing a required value: [Display Length = "15cm"], [display_dimensions_unit_of_measure = null],
[Variation Theme = "Length"].
Solution: The variant attributes and attribute values of the variant theme are required and the format is invalid. Click Ctrl+F on the product editing page and search for 'variant theme' to make modifications (such as colorsize variant theme, then enter the variant)
Color, size, please enter the specific color word below and do not enter any other words
【10】 Error code: 6039 Not Effective Product: 6039 Merchant is not authorized to
sell products under this restricted product group.
Solution: You do not have permission to sell this product. For more details, please consult the official customer service of the Amazon store backend
【11】 Error code: 20009 20009 Your image was 36 pixels wide and 36 pixels in height Please submit an image with the longest side being a minimum length
of 110 pixels.
Solution: Your image size is xxx, please ensure that the image is larger than 110x110 pixels
【12】 Error code: 80005 Product: 8005 You are attempting to change an identity attribute for this SKU. To proceed, please delete this SKU and recreate the SKU with the appropriate identity attribute. For more information and detailed
instructions, see: http://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/23191
Solution: UPC cannot be reused and needs to be replaced for different products, such as the UPC used in the United States
Then create a reference to this product and publish it to other sites. UPC needs to be replaced
【13】 Error code: 8026 Product: 8026 You are not authorized to list products in this category. To sell products in this category you need to obtain approval by following the instructions given
here: http://sellercentral.amazon.ae/gp/help/200333160
Solution: You do not have permission to publish in this category. Please change the category below. Or view the application details
【14】 Error code: 5561 Product: 5561 You may not use trademarked terms in the keywords attribute. Please review our prohibited seller activities and actions
at https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/help.html?itemID=200386250
Solution: There should be no trademark language in the keywords. Please click on Search Tearm at the bottom of the product page
Modify the location.
【15】 Error code: 20014 Image: The submitted image is invalid or corrupted
Product: 20014 The submitted image is invalid or corrupted.
Solution: The image cannot be opened properly or the format is not correct. 1. JPG format is required. 2. The image link can be copied
Unable to open on other browsers, image needs to be re added.
【16】 Error code: 300060 300060 We could not access the media at URL
10001658.image.myqcloud.com/wxalbum/258150/20190624155041/62a7fc39b6 86ccca87d46c416ef3a885.jpg. Ensure that the URL is correct and the media is
publicly accessible.
Solution: The image cannot be opened properly or the format is not correct. 1. JPG format is required. 2. The image link can be copied
Unable to open on other browsers, image needs to be re added.
【17】 Error code: 8575 Product: 8575 We have temporarily removed your ability to submit listings (creating new offers or new ASINs) because an unusually high number of listings have been created from your account. Please refer to the ASIN Creation Policy page ( https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/201844590 )
for more information on how to avoid receiving this error message. If you believe
your listing creation privileges have been removed in error, please contact Seller Support by using the following link: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/cu/contact -
Solution: The current store posting limit has been reached. Please contact Amazon's official business manager for more information
Enhance knowledge related to credit limits.
【18】 Error code: 20000 Product: 20000 URL http://50_.jpg Don't forget about the portrait. The URL may be provided as a public profile. Please confirm the URL that is specified as correct and restricted by external reference. 300060 URL:<http://0>Profile>
かきませんした. Specify the correct URL. また, portrait enhancement
Public services may be confirmed. Here are some features for the profile of URL 300060 at http://0. Specify the correct URL. The portrait enhancement may be confirmed upon public release. 300060 URL http://38 Please proceed with the portrait enhancement. Specify the correct URL.
The portrait enhancement may be confirmed upon public release.
Solution: The image cannot be opened properly or the format is not correct. 1. JPG format is required. 2. The image link can be copied
Unable to open on other browsers, image needs to be re added.
【19】 Error code: 90117 Product: 90117 The Product Description field contains
an invalid value: Features:
Solution: [Product Description] Too long, special symbols, invalid label codes. Please remove invalid symbols and tables
Emoticons or invalid tags, click on the source code to delete the invalid code.
【20】 Error code: 8572 8572 You are using UPC, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs, or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list. Using incorrect UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs or JAN codes is prohibited and it can result in your ASIN creation privileges being suspended or permanently removed. Please ensure you are always using the appropriate UPC, EAN, ISBN, ASIN or JAN code when listing a product. If you have reached this message in error, please contact Seller Support using the following link: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/contact-us. For more information, refer to the ASIN Creation Policy Help Page -
Solution: 1. Please replace UPC/EAN with UPC 12 bits and EAN 13 bits. Different variants of SKUs correspond to UPC/EAN
Cannot be repeated or has already been used. 2. The brand and manufacturer are invalid. If the brand is not registered, please replace it. It can be written
Product Pinyin (cannot be written as OEM)
[21] Brand has no brand authorization, brand error Product: You are not authorized to list products under this brand. To sell products under this brand, please try adding one of your SKUs under this brand through the 'Add a Product' page and follow
the application instructions.
Solution: 1. If you do not have the publishing permission for this brand or if the brand trademark has expired, go to the publishing editing page and search for 'Brand' with Ctrl+F to make modifications, 2. The brand and manufacturer are invalid. If the brand is not registered, please replace it,
Can write product pinyin (cannot write OEM)
[22] Error code: 8542 Product: 8542 The SKU data provided conflicts with
the Amazon catalog. The standard_product_id
Solution: 1. Please replace UPC/EAN with UPC 12 bits and EAN 13 bits. Different variants of SKUs correspond to UPC/EAN that cannot be duplicated or have already been used. 2. The brand and manufacturer are invalid. If the brand is not registered, please replace it. It can be written
Product Pinyin (cannot be written as OEM)
Error code: 8002 Code description: Your product input data contains a priority value other than "1". If you provide a value other than "1" in the product input data, you will receive this error. Currently unable to access Amazon
Prioritize execution on the Xun platform.
Solution: To avoid this error, simply delete any priority values from your product input data.
Error code: 8003 Code description: "Release date" or "Stop date" is a past date. You cannot provide values for 'release date' and 'stop date' located in the past. All action markers must be associated with future dates. Solution: If you attempt to modify the 'release date' to a past date to ensure that your product can be sold on Amazon, you should provide today as the 'release date'. If you attempt to immediately stop a certain product, you should provide
Today serves as the 'stop date' and sets the number of available products to zero. Remember to format the date value as
Error code: 8004 Code description: Products with SKUs may have attributes that are different from existing ASINs
All identical, the error message lists similar products in detail by providing ASIN and similar product attributes.
Solution: Use the ASINs listed in the error message to search on Amazon to determine if the product is the same as yours. Carefully check the product name UPC、 Brand, manufacturer, and manufacturer part number, as well as consumer
Resubmit the modified product data for the product attributes mentioned in the error message.
Error code: 8005 Code description: You are attempting to change a property that recognizes this SKU. want
Continue, please delete this SKU and recreate it with the corresponding attributes.
Solution: You must first remove all on sale information for this product from Amazon.
Error code: 8006 Code description: Unable to delete SKU as it has sellable inventory, typically
It is better to set the available inventory to zero instead of deleting the product.
Solution: To solve this problem with tab separated inventory files, you should change the quantity of items to "0" (zero) in the inventory file, set the update delete value to "delete", and resubmit the inventory file. To use XML to upload data to resolve this error, you should publish inventory input data and set the quantity of this product to "0" (zero), publish the product input data for this product, and set the "Operation Type" value in the XML envelope to
Error code: 8007 Code description: We are unable to recognize your parent SKU.
Solution: Use tab separated inventory files to address this issue, ensuring that you are in the 'parent' section of the inventory file
The 'SKU' column provides the correct SKU.
Error code: 8007 Code description: We are unable to recognize your parent SKU.
Solution: You can solve this problem by using tab separated inventory files and uploading data using XML,
Check your product relationship upload data to ensure that you provide the correct SKU in the 'Parent SKU' column of the inventory file.
Error code: 8008 Code description: We are unable to identify the child SKU you are attempting to associate with the parent SKU. When the sub SKU referenced in the product relationship upload data has not been correctly set using the product upload data,
This error will occur.
Solution: To correct this error by uploading data using XML, you should check your uploaded data to ensure
The value of the SKU is correct and error free, ensuring that the "parent-child product relationship" value of the sub SKU is ["sub product"]
Error code: 8009 Code description: An unexpected parent SKU was found for this sub SKU.
Solution: Before associating a sub item with a new item, you must remove the sub item from the existing parent child relationship. To delete a relationship, simply delete the parent or child item product. Deleting a parent item will delete its relationship with all its child items. Deleting a sub item will only delete the relationship between the sub item and its parent item. Delete
After removing the old relationship, the child item can be reassigned to a new parent item.
Error code: 8011 Code description: The product with SKU is missing a valid product tax code. If you
This error occurs when a valid 'commodity tax code' is not provided in the product input data or inventory file.
Solution: Please resubmit using one of the valid values of the "Product Tax Code" in the "Tax Settings" function of the seller platform
Error code: 8012 Code description: The value for 'clothing type' is invalid or missing. If your product is entered
This error occurs when the clothing type value is missing or invalid in the data or inventory file.
Find the list of valid values for "Clothing Type" in the "Data Definition" tab of the "Template"; If you input the number of products you post
According to, a list of valid values can be found in the 'Clothing Product Classification XSDs'.
Error code: 8013 Code description: The SKU does not exist in the Amazon catalog.
Solution: If you receive this error after submitting the inventory file, it may be due to a discrepancy with this SKU
Due to other errors, this SKU cannot be successfully added to the Amazon catalog. Check and correct these errors,
After completing the above operations, these errors will disappear.
Error code: 8015 Code description: The same element or attribute value has been submitted multiple times. If you submit inventory files to manage product data, this error usually occurs when you provide the same value in two related columns.
Solution: Please remove duplicate values and ensure that each column header matches the original template.
Error code: 8016 Code description: "Insufficient product data provided to create variant (parent/child) relationship for SKU [SKU]. Ensure that the parent and child products share the same variant theme and have submitted the variant theme
Solution: To correct this error using inventory files, please enter data in the column corresponding to your variant theme,
And ensure that the parent SKU and child SKU of the same variant series have the same variant theme
Error code: 8017 Code description: To create a product relationship, both the parent SKU and child SKU require a variable theme. If you have not provided sufficient product data to create the correct product between different products
If there is a relationship between the variables (parent/child), this error will occur.
Solution: To create a variable relationship, you must provide a 'variable theme' for the parent and child products
Value. To resolve this error, provide the same 'Variable Theme' value for the parent item and any child item.
Error code: 8018 Code description: Cannot delete relationships where SKUs do not exist. When you use relationship input
This error occurs when deleting non-existent product relationships in the data.
Solution: Check the parent SKU and SKU value in the product relationship input data to ensure that you have entered them
The correct SKU.
Error code: 8019 Code description: The parent and child items have the same SKU, so we cannot process this product relationship. If you submit a tab separated inventory file, then when you enter "SKU" and "parent item
This error occurs when submitting the same value in the SKU column.
Solution: Please enter different values in the "SKU" and "Parent SKU" columns and resubmit the inventory file.
Error code: 8020 Code description: 'Standard product code' is invalid. The 'Standard Product Code' value you provided
This error occurs when requested with the 'Product Code Type' you specified.
Solution: When creating new products on Amazon, we recommend that you always use UPC/EAN.
Error code: 8021 Code description: The product relationship provided for products without a "variable theme" is "variable".
If processing your data changes the 'parent SKU' associated with the child item, this error will occur.
Solution: If you submit a tab separated inventory file, this error occurs when you submit a 'relationship type' value for a sub item but omit a 'variable subject' value. To resolve this error, please resubmit the inventory file and provide a valid 'variable theme' for the sub item product. If you publish product relationship input data (XML), this error occurs when one of the SKU values you provide in the "Relationship" element is not the "Variable Subject" previously assigned in the product input data. To resolve this error, you should take the following measures: 1. Publish a new product data summary and assign a valid 'variable theme' to the SKU. 2. Publish your business again
Product relationship input data.
Error code: 8022 Code description: The value of 'variable theme' is an unexpected value. If you do not provide sufficient product data to create correct variable (parent/child) relationships between different products, this may occur
Solution: Please provide the same 'variable theme' value for the parent product and any child product.
Error code: 8023 Code description: The SKU data conflicts with the previously submitted data. If you are currently
If the created product is identical to other products that have already been created, this error will occur.
Solution: Compare the "Standard Product Code" value of this product (Product B) with the "Standard Product Code" value previously submitted for other products. If you have already submitted the same 'Standard Product Code' as this product (Product B) for another product (Product A), please determine whether Product B is intended to be the same or different from Product A. If the merchant
If product A and product B are the same product, the same product cannot be sold under two different SKUs. want
Persist in publishing product A, simply stop submitting data for product B. To continue publishing product B, please delete product A and resubmit the data for product B. If product A and product B are different products, please modify the "Standard Product Code" of one of the products and expand your product data to provide more identification information.
Note: If you have not saved the previously submitted product data, it will be difficult to diagnose this error.
Error code: 8024 Code description: The system unexpectedly stopped. If you do not provide sufficient data, it will
This error occurred.
Solution: If you are unable to resolve this issue by resubmitting existing data, please make a request before resubmitting
Use necessary data elements.
Error code: 8025 Code description: The system unexpectedly stopped. When an invalid 'base currency code' is displayed,
This error will occur.
Solution: If you are unable to resolve this issue by resubmitting existing data, please use a valid 'base'
Resubmit the value of 'currency code', the valid values for 'base currency code' include: USD 、GBP 、 EUR 、JPY。