
Amazon Title New Policy! Serious impact

Amazon's titles can't be used like that anymore! Recently, Amazon has made new rule adjustments for product titles, such as product names cannot exceed 200 characters (including spaces), cannot use special characters, and cannot have duplicate words. If the above-mentioned misuse occurs and does not meet...

Peak season marketing: 2 aspects to help you achieve Amazon conversion rate

The factors that affect the conversion rate of listings can be divided into two categories: visible factors and subtle factors 1、 Explicit factors Quantity and quality of reviews: When the number of reviews accumulates to a certain extent, Amazon may automatically introduce new traffic to the listing....

Amazon’s new ban on prohibited words! Strict investigation will be carried out in August

Amazon recently released a policy that puts forward new requirements for product highlights, especially restrictions on special characters, emojis, and certain phrases (such as refund related guarantees). Sellers should avoid using terms such as "environmentally friendly" and "antimicrobial" mentioned in the new regulations to describe products...
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