Recently, Amazon has made significant adjustments to the image requirements for product detail pages. The new regulations cover a wide range of product types, no longer limited to specific categories, expanding from hard department stores to soft department stores and consumer goods. Each product detail page must upload at least three images that meet the requirements, including a main image with a white background, an image showing the product in a real environment, and an image displaying product information (such as size or nutrition table).

1、 The main image with a white background must present the product accurately, realistically, and professionally. The background must be pure white (RGB color values: 255, 255, 255), and the product should occupy 85% of the image.

Images in real environments should be able to demonstrate the actual purpose and effect of the product, helping consumers better understand the product. The product information map should clearly and accurately label key information such as dimensions and ingredients.

For clothing and footwear products, there are more specific requirements. When displaying clothing, adult sized clothing should be worn on the model and the model must stand; When displaying shoes, they must be single and placed at a 45 degree angle to the left. These detailed and strict image requirements aim to provide consumers with clearer and more accurate product information, enhancing the shopping experience.

2、 Adjustment of Image Selection Method

Amazon has made significant adjustments to its image selection method. In the past, the image sources on product detail pages were relatively single, but now the rules have changed. Amazon will prioritize displaying images of brand owners, which is a great benefit for brand owners.

This means that if brand owners can provide high-quality, compliant, and unique brand style images, they will gain more exposure opportunities in product displays, which will help enhance brand image and product attractiveness, thereby increasing sales opportunities.

However, for sellers who are not brand owners, this may bring certain pressure. They need to pay more attention to the quality and standardization of their images in order to increase the probability of their images being selected for display. If the images provided by the seller do not meet the requirements or have low quality, Amazon will automatically choose other sellers or Amazon's own images for replacement.

This adjustment may affect the display of some sellers' products. If the replaced images differ from the actual products, it may cause misunderstandings among consumers, affect purchasing decisions, and have a negative impact on the seller's sales performance. Therefore, sellers need to closely monitor the quality of their images to ensure compliance with Amazon's latest requirements and avoid sales losses due to image issues.

3、 Adjustment content of display rules

The image display rules on Amazon's product detail page have undergone significant changes, with the most critical being the ability to display images from multiple sellers.

The adjustment of this rule means that consumers can see pictures from different sellers when browsing product details, thus having more references and comparisons. But this may also bring some problems.

Firstly, for sellers, the pressure of competition has increased. Because consumers can easily compare the image quality and display effect of different sellers, if their own images are not outstanding enough, they may be at a disadvantage in the competition and affect the sales of the product.

Secondly, there may be inconsistencies in the image information. Different sellers have different understandings and display methods of products, which may lead to confusion for consumers when obtaining product information and affect the accuracy of shopping decisions.

In addition, if the system automatically replaces the image, there may be situations where it does not match the actual situation of the product. For example, inaccurate display of colors, sizes, styles, and other aspects may not only cause misunderstandings among consumers, but also lead to an increase in returns and complaints, affecting the seller's reputation and operating costs.

In short, although the adjustment of Amazon's image display rules has provided consumers with more information, it has also brought new challenges to sellers. Sellers need to pay more attention to the quality and accuracy of images to adapt to this change.

4、 The impact of new requirements on sellers

The significant changes in Amazon's image requirements have had multiple impacts on sellers.

In terms of product display, sellers need to invest more energy and resources to produce high-quality, compliant, and attractive images. Not only do we need to ensure the professional quality and pure white background of the main image, but we also need to carefully plan the real environment image and product information image, which increases the difficulty and cost of the seller's work.

In terms of conversion rate, high-quality images can attract consumers' attention, enhance their interest in the product, promote purchasing decisions, and increase conversion rates. However, if the seller's image does not meet the requirements and is replaced by the system, it may lead to inaccurate page information, inconsistent graphics and text, and other issues, causing consumers to have doubts or even give up purchasing, thereby reducing conversion rates.

Meanwhile, the new requirements have intensified market competition. Excellent image display can help sellers stand out among numerous competitors, while sellers with poor image quality may face dual losses in traffic and sales.

In addition, sellers need to constantly monitor Amazon's rule changes and adjust their image strategies in a timely manner to meet the platform's requirements and consumer needs. This requires sellers to have strong adaptability and market sensitivity.

In short, the changes in Amazon's image requirements have raised higher demands on sellers, who need to actively respond in order to maintain their advantage in fierce competition.

5、 Seller's response strategy

To cope with significant changes in Amazon's image requirements, sellers can adopt the following strategies:

Optimize image quality:

Invest in professional photography equipment and hire professional photographers to ensure high-definition, realistic, and engaging images are captured.

Use image editing software to perform post-processing on images, adjust colors, contrast, etc., to make the images more outstanding.

Strictly follow Amazon's requirements for the pure white background of the main image and the proportion of product occupancy.

Strengthen comparison with competitors:

Regularly analyze pictures of competitors to understand excellent display methods and popular trends in the market.

Identify the gap between your own image and competitors, draw on their strengths, and highlight the unique selling points of your product.

Increase image diversity:

In addition to the prescribed three images, provide more product images from different angles and scenes to enrich consumers' visual experience.

Create product detail diagrams, usage step diagrams, etc. to provide consumers with a more comprehensive understanding of the product.

Emphasize brand style:

Create a unified and recognizable brand image style to enhance the brand image.

Enable consumers to recognize brands through images and increase brand loyalty.

Regular inspection and updates:

Regularly check images for compliance according to Amazon's rules.

Timely update images to adapt to market changes and consumer demands.

Building a professional team or outsourcing services:

If conditions permit, establish an internal team for image production and review.

Alternatively, choose a reliable outsourcing service provider to ensure image quality and compliance.

In short, sellers can only maintain competitiveness and improve product sales performance in the constantly changing image requirements of Amazon by actively adopting effective response strategies.

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